Custer County 4-H Delegates Travel to Washington D.C.

Custer County 4-H Delegates Travel to Washington D.C.
Washington, D.C. – Congressman Adrian Smith (R-NE) met with Custer County 4-H students on the steps of the U.S. Capitol today during their visit to Washington, D.C.

CUSTER COUNTY—More than 30 Custer County youth and four adult sponsors left town on June 4 to attend the 2018 Citizenship Washington Focus Conference. Custer County 4-H Aid Colleen Peterson said the group has spent many hours over the last two years to raise funds for the trip.

“This group has participated in many hours of fundraising over the past two years to make this experience happen. Thanks to the many businesses and individuals who have helped with donations for the fundraising events along the way,” Peterson said.

The 4-H delegates have had the opportunity to tour various parts of the northeast and learn about citizenship and leadership during the conference.

“So far the delegates have been to Chicago, Niagra Falls (on the Canadian side), New York, and Philadelphia. They have just spend this past last week at the National 4-H Center in Chevy Chase, Maryland participating in citizenship activities and touring the historic sites of Washington D.C.,” Peterson said.

In addition to the historic tours and other activities, Congressman Adrian Smith (R-NE) met with Custer County 4-H students on the steps of the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday during their visit to Washington, D.C.

The delegates will return to Custer County on Monday evening, according to Peterson.
